Wednesday 16 May 2012

Tutorial One: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Information Technology (IT) has moved from use in a workplace like a bank or hospital to become a household phrase.  IT defines an industry which covers computing, networking and software to produce, manage, retrieve, send and store information.  Information Communication Technology (ICT) consists of IT as well as telecommunication media (television, radio, telephone).  It also covers the merging of audio visual and telephone networks with computer networks.  ICT brings some disadvantages including cyber bullying and phishing.  


Information Technology allows us to create, edit, transfer and store information and manipulate it when you want to.  The use of IT can apply in business and communication and if we add communications to this technology it opens up a multitude of ways of communicating with people and interacting with businesses, games, shopping, and social sites.  an example of this is a shopping site such as ASOS.   

The use if computers in technology influences most people's lives and has significant impacts the way they live.  for example many smart phones allow people to pin point exactly where they are in the world and get instructions for where they want to go.  The other side is that their phone can be tracked to identify exactly where they have been.  Another example is the use of Moodle to support interactive online learning.  IT supports people's daily activities for example you can go on the internet and get step-by-step video instructions while cooking. (Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals)

Some IT devices and systems that i feel comfortable with include remote controls that have signalling in them so that you are able to control your television from far away.  Some limits with this is learning how to use it and often you have more than one remote control and therefore it can get confusing which one to use for what such as the television, dvd player, video player.  Another device is the sell phone.  These days almost everyone has a sell phone and it has become the main type of communication with friends.  My computer is a system that i use everyday of my life.  Especially with studying i have to access my Moddle sight everyday to study and check for updates and information.  I am not completely confident using the computer.  It is very technical but there is no way of avoiding it.  There is some things I enjoy about computers which is shopping online and being able to find out almost anything you want to know and it is great for social networking such as Facebook and also for games. The television is another great system.  Although i feel I can waste many hours in a day watching television.  

Technology is constantly changing and being updated.  The therapist has to have the ability to choose the appropriate technology out of many and to adapt it for the particular client's needs.  Occupational Therapists need to know about how the technology works and how to use it properly so that the client can get the most out of the technology. iPad is a very interactive tool in Occupational practice.  It already has use in supporting communication with clients with speech disabilities and for child clients developing fine motor skills and language such as autistic children.  Another technology is augmented or virtual reality,  an example of this is the Wii games where someone could play virtual tennis or other types of games.  This technology could be used to improve or teach client's physical skill.
The ethical issues can be around personal confidentiality once you have put something out on the internet it is out of your control what happens to it.  Making sure that information is not being altered.  There has to be ways of protecting information such as credit card numbers so that others can not use it.  The internet has great information on it but there is lots of bad and inappropriate sites and there is spamming with emails, cyber bullying on sell phones as well.  There can be a potential loss of individuality and privacy through social network websites such as Facebook.

Information and communication technology. Retrieved from     
What is Information technology?  Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek/what-is-information-

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